The ATF has repeatedly overstepped their authority to ban scores of firearms and accessories with no act of Congress whatsoever; and
The ATF has illegally acquired nearly ONE BILLION 4473 "background check" forms to pin down how many and which Americans are purchasing firearms; and
The ATF is doubling down on their illegal universal gun registration scheme by trying to change the definition of a "Dealer in Firearms"; and
The ATF continues abusing its power by usurping congress to make law through arbitrary rule changes that turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals; and
Whether it's their involvement in FFL raids, the Waco Siege or Operation Fast and Furious -- which left one U.S. Border Patrol Agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens dead -- the ATF has earned a reputation as a brutish government agency that cares little about law-abiding citizens or our Bill of Rights;
On behalf of pro-gun Texans, I urge you to vote "YES!" on H.R. 374 or any bill that would ABOLISH THE ATF.